Joanna Skrzeczyna
Class of: 2022
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Major: Psychology
Why I Chose Northwestern:
As cliché as it sounds, I knew that there was no other school for me the second I stepped foot on campus back in 2016. Through Northwestern’s partnership with Chicago Public Schools, I had an opportunity to take a Cell Biology course that summer and had an amazing experience. In that brief time, I fell in love with the campus atmosphere and classroom environment. Initially, I felt intimidated but, just as quickly, I became inspired. I began to envision university life in the stretch of Sheridan Road, on the porch swing tucked behind Allison Hall, and the surrounding greens of Deering. I admired the students I met in this class who worked hard but did so because they loved what they were studying. It was their passion and welcoming, collaborative nature that solidified my choice.
What I plan to do after graduation:
After graduation I look forward to beginning my journey in clinical psychology. I hope to work in research before applying for graduate and PhD programs. My dream is to become a therapist specializing in adolescent/young adult trauma. In my spare time, I would really like to work on research in this field and become a published author one day. I hope to collaborate with clinics on expanding and
improving treatment plans, and return to Chicago with the experience to make these resources more accessible to the communities in the area.