Isabella Socci
Class of: 2027
Hometown: Tampa, Florida
Major: Computer Science & Mechanical Engineering
Why I Chose Northwestern:
Although I wasn’t aware of Northwestern a year before I ended up committing, the dedication to applications in engineering is what really drew me in. I’ve always wanted to pursue software engineering, but robotics and aerospace have been interests of mine that I’ve wanted to explore further, which I knew would be possible here. When I visited, everyone I met had pride in their school– both Northwestern’s academic and social environment seemed perfectly contoured to what I wanted for my undergraduate career.
What I plan to do after graduation:
I plan on getting a Master’s in either EECS, Robotics, or Applied Math and eventually explore more niche fields of software engineering. Working in aerospace software, trading, and robotics has specifically
piqued my interest, and I hope to have the opportunity to work in these various sectors of the tech industry.