Abigail Neufarth
Class of: 2023
Hometown: Safety Harbor, FL
Major: Major in Chemical Engineering and Minor in Environmental Engineering
Why I Chose Northwestern:
Honestly, Northwestern chose me:). I applied through Questbirdge as a leap of faith, not expecting any of the schools to choose me. I chose to rank Northwestern because of their strong academics, research opportunities, and for the location near the water. I remember opening the email in early December of 2018, and I was elated! It came as such as sweet surprise, and I couldn’t be more grateful.
What I plan to do after graduation:
As of right now, I plan to go to graduate school for chemical oceanography. My dream is to do ocean research, particularly the cause and fate of contaminants in marine ecosystems. I would love the opportunity to travel for my job, and I plan to get scuba certified soon.